Professional Products path-arrow CABD / SMATV System path-arrow Headend path-arrow Channel Amplifier path-arrow CENTURY CC1 path-arrow Back path-arrow Channel Amplifier
Programmable Channel Converter
Price: HK$0
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  • Automatic CHANNEL SCAN
  • Able to process >50 channels (32 filters)
  • Able to handle VHF & UHF signals simultaneously
  • 5G LTE Protection (694MHz) 
  • Filter sharpness >50dB adjacent channels
  • Real-time AGC on all individual filters
  • Settings can be protected by security code
  • 5 inputs: BI+FM/4xVHF-UHF including DAB Subchannels
  • Made in Europe


Inputs 4 VHF/UHF + 1 BI+FM
Outputs 1 main (BI+FM-VHF-UHF) + 1 test port (-30dB)
Connector (Input & Output) / Impedance F-Type / 75Ω
Frequency range BI+FM: 88 - 108 MHz , VHF:174 - 240 MHz, UHF: 470 - 862 MHz
LTE protection Automatic selection: 694 MHz or OFF
Input level BI+FM: 37 - 77 dBµV,  VHF: 37* - 109 dBµV, UHF: 37* - 109 dBµV
BIFM output power (60dB/IM3) 113 dBµV
VHF/UHF output power (60dB/IM3) 120 dBµV
VHF/UHF output power (35dB/IM3) 131 dBµV
VHF/UHF output power with 1 MUX 118 dBµV
VHF/UHF output power with 6 MUX 114 dBµV
VHF/UHF output power with 15 MUX 109 dBµV
VHF/UHF output power with 32 MUX 106 dBµV
Conversion Yes (from any VHF-UHF channel to any VHF-UHF channel)
Gain BI+FM: 35 dB, VHF: > 75 dB, UHF: > 75 dB
Gain adjustment BI+FM: 20 dB, VHF/UHF: Channel AGC (dB)
Noise figure FM, VHF-UHF: 7 dB
General attenuator 20 dB
VHF/DAB attenuator 15 dB
Slope adjustment 15 dB
Selectivity 50 dB/1MHz
Output MER VHF: 35 dB , UHF: 35 dB
ESD protection All inputs
Remote voltage for preamp 12 or 24 V
Remote current 100 mA (total for the 4 inputs)
Operating temperature -5 °C to +50 °C
Power supply 100 - 240 V
Power consumption 15 W
Dimensions 217 x 165 x 59 mm
Weight 0.8 kg
*For 64QAM with code rate 3/4
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